Live ufo Contact Seeing is

11-16-04 On this night both the one year anniversary of my fathers
death and the birth of my grandfather I had an intense UFO
experience. While laying on the couch I had a strong suggestion in
my mind to get up, grab the binoculars and lay under my
skylight and look for movement. I remember seeing a couple
flashes of light in the star field and being frustrated. I
said to myself "come on now lets not play hide and
seek" just then I spotted two saucer shaped craft at
about thirty thousand feet they just appeared as if
de-cloaking. They were huge I could make out lights emanating
out from the edges, while coming to grip with the fact that I
am looking at real UFOS suddenly through my field of view at
about five hundred feet flew a totally silent black triangle.
I only saw it for a moment because I was looking through the
Binoculars and it was so close. Sitting in amazement over
what I had just seen I started to feel frightened, cotton
mouth, heart racing, the works it felt like I was being
probed while sitting in that chair. I then calmed down and
gained my composure back, I said to myself no more star
gazing tonight!. The following night I called my sister Catherine to
talk about the event, we
talked for hours till 9pm and I felt much better. As I hung
up the phone I looked up through the skylight and this time,
defying gravity, gliding at 15 to 20 mph and 200 feet over my
roof, rotating slowly, was another huge silent triangle with orange
plasma round lights on each corner, there is no doubt that
they knew I was looking at them, it flew directly over head
then turned 90 degrees and slipped off silently to the west
WOW up close and personal!
